School age children (6 to 12 years) talk in full sentences and have a good understanding of language. They ask many questions and are curious about the world around them. They can recount experiences and amaze you with the details they remember. They are beginning to understand how their actions affect others. They can see things from different perspectives. With help from adults, they can begin to set goals and to learn how to solve problems. They also enjoy playing with their friends.


• Have conversations with the children as often as you can.

• Ask questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” answer. Establish a regular routine with the children. When they come to your program after school and while they are enjoying an afternoon snack, establish a ‘talk about my day’ time.

For example: Each day ask – What made you laugh today? What made you sad today? Did anything make you mad today? What was the best part of your day? The routine and consistency of the activity will allow them time to think about their day, put feeling and emotions into words and spend time practicing conversational skills.

• Use conversations to help school age children set goals and solve problems.

For example: the child has dancing school when her mom picks her up, but she does not want to do her homework at childcare. Discuss with them different options they may have and the possible outcomes of each option to help them solve their problem.

• Encourage school age children to talk about their feelings and to identify the reasons they feel the way they do.

• Often you may have to correct a school age child’s behavior. When doing this give the child a calm explanation on why you do not want them to engage in a certain behavior. When you communicate to the child the reasons why you want them to change their behavior, it helps them to understand how their actions affect others.

For example: The child is teasing another child because he is wearing glasses. Explain to the child who is teasing that the other child needs the glasses to see and the teasing hurts other’s feelings.

• Use conversation to help school age children learn conflict resolution skills.

For children at this age the relationships they are developing are very important. Conflict often arises with other children. Teach the children to use their voices. Act out pretend conflicts and how they can be resolved. When a child in your care expresses to you they are having a problem with another child at school, practice what the child might say. Take turns pretending to be the offending child and the child with the problem. Help the child see different outcomes and responses.

• Help children be aware of how their body language communicates messages.

For example: “When you roll your eyes at me, it makes me feel disrespected.”

• A good way to get children to communicate is to ask their opinion on subjects that affect them.

For example: “Your mom told me you went to the baseball game this weekend. What do you think about how the game ended? I think they should have won, what about you.”

Always be respectful when talking with school age children. Never make the child feel their feelings or emotions are not worthy of your attention. Be truthful and age appropriate when answering their questions. For hard questions that involve death or divorce you may want to discuss with the parents how they are explaining the issue to the child so that your answers do not confuse them.

A beneficial way children can learn communication skills is by reading together. Have a story time scheduled when the school age children come in. The school age child may feel special if you ask them to read the story to the younger children.